Today's Dell UK Coupons & Deals

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About Dell UK

Dell is an American tech company that makes, sells, fixes, and provides support for computers and related products and services. It is owned by Dell Technologies, which is also its parent company.
Dell sells PCs, servers, data storage devices, network switches, software, computer peripherals, HDTVs, cameras, printers, and electronics built by other manufacturers. The company is known for how it manages its supply chain and electronic commerce. This includes Dell selling directly to customers and delivering PCs that the customer wants. Dell was a pure hardware vendor until 2009 when it acquired Perot Systems. Dell then entered the market for IT services. The company has expanded storage and networking systems, now aiming to expand from offering computers only to delivering a range of technology for enterprise customers.

Dell Discounts & Coupon Codes

Discounts and coupons from Dell UK might help you save money. Discover valid Dell UK coupons for discounts on laptops, desktops, monitors, and accessories. Purchasing from the official Dell UK website also includes free shipping.

Dell UK Black Friday Deals

Sneak Peek: Black Friday Deals – Computers & electronics on sale today! Save big on laptops, desktops, gaming PCs, monitors & more. FREE DELIVERY.

Special Deals

Limited Quantity Offers are Live Now
Special deals that include the Price Match Guarantee, PayPal credit, double Dell Rewards points, and free next-day delivery on a huge selection of products are all bundled up in one.

Business Laptop Deals

Wherever your job takes you, stay safe and effective. Discover Dell UK business deals.

Desktop Computer Deals

Starting From £449
Desktop computer deals that include a price match guarantee, PayPal credit, double Dell Rewards points, and free next-day delivery on a huge selection of items.

Business Desktop Deals




All purchases earn Dell Rewards points. For Dell UK top deals: Call or Chat Now at 0800 085 4878



Gaming PC Deals

Gaming PC deals starting at £799 that come with a price match guarantee, PayPal credit, double Dell Rewards points, and free next-day delivery on hundreds of items.

Dell Poweredge Servers Special Deals and Offers




A more attractive offer or quicker delivery are your priorities? Chat with Dell UK sales representatives or call 0800 085 4878 if you have any questions (Freephone).



Monitor Deals

Deals on monitors starting at £95 that include a price match guarantee, PayPal credit, double Dell Rewards points, and free next-day delivery on hundreds of items.

PC Accessories Deals

Price matching, PayPal credit, double Dell Rewards points, and free next-day delivery are all included in the PC Accessories Deals package.

Dell UK Membership Programs





Key consumer audiences can take advantage of exclusive discounts and benefits through Dell Membership Programs. Find out more here about the benefits the program.

Student Discount on Laptops & PCs